Mudd Bug
One of our bucks here at Mornin’ Glory Farm came from Lake Charles, Louisiana. ”Mr. Mudd” as we call him, is just a great guy! He is sweet as pie and so laid back. He has udder behind him and beautiful ears. He is disbudded, black with red highlights, belt, frosted pendulous ears and muzzle. We reserved him for breeding our retained does that are now kidding for the first time. We will have several “Mudd Bug” babies on the ground this year.
Whispering Willows Mudd Bug
Mini Nubian Buck
Born: 03/21/2018
6th Generation
Percentage: 53.51% Nubian 46.49% Nigerian
Miniature Dairy Goat Association
Sire: Autumn Wood’s Walkin’ on Sunshine
Sire’s Sire: Echo Hill’s Ruby’s Bootlegger
Sire’s Dam: Milk Creek Ridge Margarita
Dam: Sunflower Ranch’s Denver Skye
Dam’s Sire: Soaring Heart’s Gilles
Dam’s Dam: Sonflower Ranch’s Faith *P
Baby Mudd Bug
Whispering Willows Mudd Bug
Dam’s Udder