Barnyard Mix Chicks and Hatching Eggs

At this time, we are not hatching chicks or offering hatching eggs. We may offer them in early spring, depending on availability and our schedule.

These are not pure breeds. Our hens are multi-generation Olive Eggers, Black Copper Marans, Legbars, Welsummers, Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas. All of our chickens free-range and live a healthy non-confined life.

Our hens are covered by Black Copper Marans, White Ameraucanas, Welsummers, Whiting True Blue, and Olive Egger roosters. They will produce colors very similar to these. Some eggs will have a heavy bloom and appear ashy-colored or purplish-grey or pink.

Our hens are barnyard mutts that lay beautiful eggs.

Your eggs will be stored with the pointed side down so that the egg cell will settle properly. Your eggs will be clean and we will offer the best color selections possible. Your wait can be anywhere from 1-6 weeks, depending on availability.

Mansfield, Texas
Farm gate pickup only
No deliveries
No shipping

These are some of our gorgeous Barnyard Mix Chicken Hatching Eggs.
Your hatching eggs will be just as beautiful!

Rainbow Layer Hatching Eggs
Rainbow Layer Hatching Eggs